Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapy (OT) is a science degree-based, health and social care profession, regulated by the Health and Care Professional Council. Occupational therapy takes a “whole-person approach” to both mental and physical health and wellbeing and enables individuals to achieve their full potential.
Out team of Occupational Therapists are able to provide a multitude of assessments and services to meet their needs of individuals across their life span. We can provide specialist services such as those listed below.
If you would like further information about Occupational Therapy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Children And Young Adults
Occupational Therapy Services for Children and Young Adults

We accept referrals for Occupational Therapy from families, Charities, Solicitors, Case Managers and Statutory Services.
Potential reasons for referral could include difficulties with sensory processing, personal care, life skills, eating and drinking, handwriting, movement and coordination, fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, gross motor skills, social engagement, anxiety, planning and organisation, etc. We can also explore equipment, adaptations and moving and handling needs. If you would like to book an initial assessment or make an enquiry, please contact Steddy.
Following receipt of a referral, we aim to provide a quote and where accepted, make an appointment within a timely manner to complete an initial assessment. It is a crucial part of Occupational Therapy to understand the individual’s areas of skill and areas where they need to develop or require support. Assessments are holistic, gathering useful information about the individual’s functioning in a multitude of settings (e.g. home, school and the community) and involve the individual and their caregivers.
After the initial assessment, a report will be prepared to outline the individual’s current abilities and the areas that have been identified for further development. Quotes for ongoing therapeutic intervention will be supplied where required.
All paediatric assessments and reports are completed by experienced Paediatric Occupational Therapists. The Occupational Therapists regularly engage in Continuing Professional Development activities to build on their skills and the services that they can offer. If you would like to book an initial assessment or make an enquiry, please contact Steddy.
Within our assessment reports, we will make recommendations for the frequency and type of ongoing therapeutic intervention required. Recommendations are tailored to the individual’s needs and will be goal orientated where possible. Quotes will be produced and discussed with the referrer.
At times, we may need to recommend further assessment using checklists such as the Sensory Profile 2 or standardised tests such as the BOT2 and VMI, which will give us greater detail about the individual’s difficulties and areas in which they require support.
Therapeutic intervention can fall into two categories:
Direct Therapy involves the Occupational Therapist working directly with the individual to develop their skills and to work towards meeting the goals that have been identified. For example, an individual may require weekly sessions. The Occupational Therapist will engage with the wider Multidisciplinary Team where required for the benefit of the individual.
Consultancy involves the Occupational Therapist working alongside the individual, their family and where possible the Multidisciplinary Team to provide advice and assist with skill development so that those closest to the individual can develop skills to meet their needs.
Reports can be prepared at the point of initial assessment, further assessment, interim reviews of goals and at the end of a period of intervention.
Our Main Services

Steddy supply an Occupational Therapy service for many Housing Associations producing detailed reports suitable for grant application.
We understand and implement the processes involved with Physical Adaptation Grants (PAG) through the Welsh Assembly Government.
Our detailed reports can be tailored to your specific requirements and can also contain additional equipment based recommendations for the client. This ensures holistic assessment of an individual’s home environment is provided.
Our turnaround period to meet with the client is usually around one week. We feel this ensures that priority is given to each referral in order to speed up the whole process for the Housing Association and ultimately the client.
Our team of experienced installers are able to carry out the physical adaptations and supply the equipment recommended in line with the written reports, giving a seamless and accurate outcome to the grant application.
We also provide disability equipment and servicing for stair lifts, through floor lifts, step lifts and hoists.
Steddy has years of experience in Case Management of individuals with acquired brain injury and other physical difficulties. Steddy prides itself in helping our clients reach their individual goals and achieve the quality of life to which each individual aspires.
Our Case Managers (Occupational Therapists and Nurses) having produced an Immediate Needs assessment will then, together with the client, implement those recommendations. These recommendations may range from the sourcing of equipment, the provision of counselling, the arrangement of therapies to the implementation of strategies to overcome challenging behaviour.
We provide continuing Case Management Services for adults and children both pre and post settlement in Personal Injury Litigation and through NHS or Social Services funding.
Steddy offers experienced Expert Witnesses and ensures that the reports produced by our Occupational Therapists for medico legal purposes are of the highest quality.
The identification and costing of care needs, equipment needs, accommodation needs, therapy needs and employment or schooling needs are all aspects that our reports cover in detail.
These reports have regularly contributed to the client receiving financial compensation commensurate with their needs as a result of a disability, whether that disability be a result of head injury, a spinal injury, mesothelioma, orthopaedic condition such as amputation or birth catastrophe.
We offer an immediate and cost effective service throughout, whilst adhering to the agreed timescales.
Steddy have many interlocking divisions, each of which inform the other and ensures that we deliver the very best service to our customers.
Our divisions continually develop and currently include Domiciliary Care, Occupational Therapy Services, Training, Disability Products, Building Services and Wheelchair and Scooter Servicing.
At Steddy we have Occupational Therapists with a wide range of experiences who are able to provide a locum OT service bespoke to your needs. Please contact us if you wish to discuss the that you require.